Parent Resources

Why Prevention Matters

Substance misuse among teens is a growing concern, impacting brain development, academic performance, and long-term health. As a parent, you play a crucial role in prevention. This page provides valuable insights, warning signs, and practical steps to help you navigate conversations with your teen and take action to protect their health and well-being.

  • 1 in 3 high school students has tried vaping.
  • Cannabis use among teens has doubled in the past decade.
  • Many prescription drug misusers start with their own medicine cabinet.

What Can You do?

🛑 Vaping & Nicotine – Learn the Facts

How Nicotine Impacts Brain Development

Nicotine exposure during adolescence can interfere with brain development, particularly in areas responsible for attention, learning, and impulse control.
The brain continues to develop until the mid-20s, and nicotine use can increase the risk of long-term addiction and mental health issues.

The tobacco industry has a long history of targeting youth with flavored products, social media ads, and misleading claims about safety.
Vaping devices often appear harmless but can contain high levels of nicotine, leading to addiction.